Lenten Meditation: Friday, February 24, 2023
Throughout the 40 days of Lent, we'll be posting meditations, opportunities to gather, and programs to support as we grow and learn together.
The Gospel According to Matthew and the Acts of the Apostles tell us that Judas, after he had betrayed Jesus, was overcome by guilt and hanged himself. Jesus’ disciples decided to replace Judas. They nominated two candidates, prayed for guidance, and threw dice to determine the winner. It was a man named Matthias, and today is his feast.
Even though that’s all we know about Matthias, his story points to a great truth. What Jesus began during his earthly life goes on. Judas’ betrayal did not stop it. Jesus’ own death did not stop it. Even throwing dice as a decision-making scheme did not stop it.
Jesus is alive, and he continues his work despite our sinful and foolish ways. Our evil deeds and our stupid strategies might slow him down, but they cannot make him stop.
Today, be grateful that, as wrong or foolish as we at times certainly are, God’s desire to make things right will eventually, in some way beyond our understanding, triumph.
We need to do our best, but then we can relax. God’s got this.