Lenten Meditation: Thursday, March 2, 2023
Matthew 7:7-12
“For everyone who asks receives, those who seek find, and to those who knock, the door will be opened.” - Matthew 7:8
This is one of those moments where I feel a little skeptical of Jesus, to tell the truth. All I have to do is ask, and I’ll receive what I want? Go seeking, and I’ll find what it is I’m looking for? Uh… sure thing, boss, I’ll get right on it.
It just feels so at odds with the world as I know it. A world where so many prayers go seemingly unanswered, and so many needs are unmet.
But there I go, putting words in God’s mouth. Jesus doesn’t specify exactly the kind of asking, seeking and knocking he means, yet I don’t think he’s saying his followers will never hear the word “no”, be it from God or anyone else. In fact, these seemingly disjointed pieces of advice–pearls and swine, bread and stones, knocking on doors and the golden rule–they all share a common theme: we need to evaluate our priorities. What is valuable to us, and how do we live that out? Do we use what is precious to us carelessly? Are we in touch with our own needs and desires? And perhaps most importantly of all–do we really treat others the way we want to be treated? Jesus is asking us to be thoughtful about our time, our intentions, our values, and to recognize that part of how we honor our relationship with God is through honoring our relationships with one another.
Today: Take a look at your credit and debit charges for the past month, and ask yourself: if someone else looked at this, would they be able to tell what is most important to me? Think about ways your spending can better mirror your values.