Sound Sanctuary
Join us for a dynamic, participatory journey, co-presented by the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and Sound Mind Live.
Immerse yourself in a symphony of sound & excitement, where the convergence of community, immersive sound, music, and movement unite in electrifying harmony. In celebration of World Understanding & Peace Day, the Cathedral transforms into a haven for an exploration of music, sound, healing, and the celebration of deeper human connection.
The experience unfolds with a collective improvisational vibrant harmony that emerges as people come together in community. The Cathedral will come alive with a sonic dance between audience and musician - infusing the space with melodic magic that reflects the full range of human emotion and culminating in an ethereal sound bath. All of which will take place under Divine Pathways, Anne Patterson’s breathtaking textile installation.
Sound Mind Live is a nonprofit dedicated to fostering community, dialogue, and action on mental health through the power of music.
Crafted by visionary artist and composer Ricardo Romaneiro. Co-created and guided by the acclaimed Nick Demaris, also known as Human Instruments, as well as Bloom Sound Collective. Special closing communal sing by Gaia Music Collective led by Matt Goldstein and Kenter Davies.
If for any reason cost is a barrier beyond the financial assistance options offered, please contact us at We believe in equal and inclusive access for all and do not wish cost to be a barrier to supporting connective community and wellness through the power of music.