Saint Francis Day
Saint Francis Day is a signature Cathedral service that features Paul Winter and Paul Halley’s Missa Gaia (or Earth Mass). The combined Cathedral Choirs are joined by hundreds of singers from visiting choirs. The service is always the first Sunday in October.
The Paul Winter Consort, the Cathedral Choirs, and the 250 member Festival Chorus perform the Missa Gaia on Saint Francis Day, 2018
Diocesan Chorister Festival
Each year, the Cathedral welcomes choristers from around the Diocese and beyond are welcomed for a full day of choral workshops, games, special tours of the Cathedral, and the chance to perform in the event’s culminating Festival Evensong. Choristers get the opportunity to work with experienced conductors such as Kent Tritle, and Bryan Zaros.
Video from the 2019 Diocesan Chorister Festival
Diocesan Adult Choir Festival
Episcopal choirs from the New York Diocese and beyond join for a day of choral workshops and rehearsals. They are joined by members of the Cathedral Choir with the focus of preparing and performing at a Festival Evensong. While specifically for Episcopal choirs, we welcome all Liturgical choirs interested in learning about and singing Evensong.