The Very Reverend Patrick Malloy gave the sermon at the Cathedral's 7:30 pm Ash Wednesday service on February 14, reflecting on the message of Ash Wednesday.
The Reverend Canon Ranjit K. Mathews, Canon to the Ordinary Episcopal Church in Connecticut, preached at the Cathedral's February 11 Holy Eucharist Service, for World Mission Sunday.
The Cathedral hosts the Episcopal Diocese of New York for the investiture and installation of The Right Reverend Matthew F. Heyd, as the 17th Bishop of New York.
The Reverend Winnie Varghese, Rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Atlanta GA, preached at the Cathedral's February 10 Installation Service, about the power of community.
La Catedral es la anfitriona de la Diócesis Episcopal de Nueva York para la investidura y instalación del Rt. Rev. Matthew Heyd como el Obispo 17 de Nueva Yo
The Rev. Sarah Coakley will lead a discussion on how ‘desire’ in the Bible, and in classic theological and monastic Christian literature, cuts across and challenges the presumptions of the ’sexualization’ of desire in contemporary Western culture.
The Reverend Canon Walter Brownridge, Canon to the Ordinary for Cultural Transformation at The Episcopal Diocese of Vermont, preached his sermon, "The Succor of the Divine," at the Cathedral's February 4 Holy Eucharist Service.