A Pentecost Message from the Dean
I am proud and honored to greet you as the Acting Dean of this great Cathedral and to serve in this way. It has been a busy time of meeting and learning. I spent my first few weeks on a listening and exploration tour. I have met with individuals and groups and have had lunch with many of the staff in every department. I have instituted a weekly gathering of staff leadership to build a sense of community and shared communication. I have shared a meal with the Layman’s Club and heard of the wonderful ways in which they support the Cathedral. I have had lunch with the Cathedral congregation and have met tourists from all parts of the globe, drawn here out of curiosity and, as they depart, smitten with a sense of the spirituality and missional vitality of the Cathedral. The Barberini Tapestry Exhibit has drawn many visitors and bears witness to the Cathedral as a place where the arts are treasured. On any given day at the Cathedral, the hungry are fed and the impoverished clothed (Cathedral Community Cares); children are nurtured (ACT Program) and youth are educated (The Cathedral School). The Nightwatch program encourages spiritual growth for the youth who attend these overnights in the Cathedral. Through the over 25 services celebrated here each week visitors and worshippers hear magnificent music from organ and choir and hear thoughtful and moving sermons that proclaim God’s mercy, love and call to enact justice in our world.