Virtual Backgrounds from the Cathedral

We're now 6 weeks into conducting most of our business from home at the Cathedral, and the novelty of our online meetings has worn off. Thinking this might be happening for many in our community, too, we thought now would be a perfect time to offer some Cathedral virtual backgrounds to use for all your meeting needs!
Cathedral Music (New!)
Cathdral Choir - Sunday Morning

Cathedral Choir - Concert

The Great Organ
Cathedral Architecture
The Cathedral facade as seen from 112th Street.

Peace Fountain
Greg Wyatt's Peace Fountain, with the Cathedral's South Tower behind.

Download the Peace Fountain photo
Nave (during a procession)
The Nave of the Cathedral during the procession of a packed service.
Nave (with Pride Lights)
The Nave of the Cathedral lit up to celebrate Pride.

Stained Glass
The Cathedral's stained glass from the clerestory.

Download the stained glass photo
Cathedral Art
The Barberini Tapestries
In 2017, after a years-long restoration, the Life of Christ tapestries were hung in the Chapel of St. James and others.

Aljoscha - The Miraculous Draught
Just before the Cathedral temporarily closed, Aljoshcha installed the site-specific installation The Miraculous Draught.
The Feast of Saint Francis
Dogs in pews
Dogs await the annual Feast of St. Francis and Blessing of the Animals.

Download the photo of dogs in pews
Group Photo on Front Steps
A group photo on the Cathedral's front steps.

A camel processes through the Cathedral.