Post-Election Vigils: an Update from the Sub-Dean

November 6, 2020
The Cathedral is going to pause our daily post-election vigils. Our neighbors' need to gather seems to have abated.
During the past three days, we have witnessed an emotional and spiritual outpouring in front of the Cathedral. It has moved us. We are grateful that so many friends and passersby have rested with us in holy silence and have shared their stories.
Faith leaders across that country tell us that threats of violence are mounting. In the next few days, the Dean and Chapter will consider whether to again convene vigils. Who knows what will come next?
The first word of Jesus to his disciples, huddled in fear, after he had been murdered by government and religion was, "Peace." We are his Body in the world now, and we intend to stand for peace no matter what happens next.
The Rev. Canon Patrick Malloy
The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine