Lenten Meditation: Saturday, April 1, 2023

“So from that day on they planned to put Jesus to death.” - John 11:53
Holy Week is a funny thing. We begin on Palm Sunday with the whole story of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. Then we retrace our steps, and slowly now–back to the table, then the garden, then the tomb. Next Saturday will see us gathered in the hush of darkness–as if, even for a moment, the light and joy of Easter might not come.
What’s “funny,” then, for lack of a better word, is that Easter has already come. There is no moment of our Lenten journey when Christ has not already triumphed over death; when we cry “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday we hail our risen King, when we say with the crowd, “crucify him” the stone has already been rolled away from the tomb.
Even as we break it down to its constituent parts, the core of our Easter miracle is a mystery. And through the rhythm and rituals of this week, we will draw as close to this miracle as we can; God’s children with our faces pressed up against the glass. We let Jesus’ life re-order our steps and we follow him. Like he did, we serve one another, we share the bread and the cup, we acknowledge our pain and despair and open our hearts to God. And then, by him, and with him, and in him, we receive new life.
I hope you’ll come and join us.
Today concludes our season of Lenten reflections. Thank you for reading along with us, and to all those who joined our Thursday afternoon gatherings. Click here for details on worship at the Cathedral this week. We would love to welcome you.