An Easter Message from the Dean
Looking to the past may be an adventure of nostalgia for some. For others, looking to the past may be a painful journey into old hurts, fears, difficulties. Looking to t...
Looking to the past may be an adventure of nostalgia for some. For others, looking to the past may be a painful journey into old hurts, fears, difficulties. Looking to t...
I recently saw a wonderful explanation of Lent on Facebook, written by Juan Oliver, who is the Custodian of the Standard Book of Common Prayer. Fr. Oliver reminds us tha...
The Magi appear only in the Gospel of Matthew’s account of events surrounding the birth of Jesus. It is not entirely clear whether the Gospel author was using the appear...
Christmas means many things to each of us, from the sentimental to the sacred. Most of us fall somewhere in between, for truth be known, these are not mutually exclusive...
The Cathedral is open to all who wish to enter our sacred space regardless of immigration status. Ongoing Resources & Support Clergy conversations Members of the c...
The message of hatred and exclusion such as we have seen expressed and acted out in Charlottesville since Friday night is contrary to the Gospel we proclaim. The message...
I have learned that the people who make up this community we call “the Cathedral” are some of the most committed I have ever met. The list is a long one – the Vergers an...
Incredible as it may at first appear, the story of Jesus’s resurrection from death is not a work of fiction. The resurrection story relates a miracle that has meaning fo...
The three wise men became known as the three kings, however the scriptures do not call them kings but magus, from the Greek name given by the Babylonians, Medes and Pers...
Today we gather to reclaim a great mystery of faith. As we enter and acknowledge the Darkness that can often surround everyday life, we renew our faith in the Light that...
Each new Church Year begins with the four weeks of Advent – a time of preparation for the Feast of Incarnation – the birth of Jesus the Christ. During that time, we p...
This is to inform you, following a period of deep reflection and prayer, that I will step down as Dean of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine at the end of June...
The Cathedral Community offers its prayers for the most recent victims of police violence in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis and for the Dallas police who were assassinated...
Today we add our voices to those over the generations who have proclaimed, “Alleluia, Christ is risen indeed!” This passage from death into life was revealed to us th...
As we hear “You are dust and will return to dust,” we remember the cycle of life. God hates nothing that God has made. The lost will find a way home. Nothing will ret...
The Twelve Days of Christmas offer a relatively brief time for reflection on the Gift. We always know that Christmas will occur on the 25th of December, but what day...
Former Honorary Cathedral Canon Howard Thurman wrote the poem, The Work of Christmas: When the star in the sky is gone, When the Kings and Princes are home, When th...
We begin each new Church Year with the four weeks of Advent—a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation—the birth of Jesus the Christ. We pray that God will “give us grac...
–From Ezekiel 37:1-14 read on The Feast of Pentecost Writing for The Atlantic on May 9, Matt Schiavenza, reported: The campaign to eliminate the Ebola virus marked a...