Programs and Events
The Inferno of Dante Alighieri: A Reading
The Inferno, the opening section of Dante Alighieri's medieval masterpiece the Divine Comedy, begins on the evening of the Maundy Thursday Vigil. The annual reading of selections from the Inferno brings listeners and participants into the "dark woods" of Dante's haunting vision. This dramatic literary event takes place in the Crossing of the Cathedral, with selected Cantos read by honored guests, distinguished poets, eminent translators, visiting scholars, and Inferno reading regulars.
Click here to find out more about our 2024 readers.
The 2020 reading was hosted online. You can watch the full video below.
The Induction Ceremony
Authors inducted into the American Poets Corner are celebrated with a traditional Choral Evensong service and the unveiling of the author's plaque on the second Sunday in November. At each annual induction, the Cathedral's Poet-in-Residence, joined by fellow writers and critics and members of the public, pays tribute to the latest inductee to the Cathedral's highest literary honor.