Upcoming Young Adult Bible Studies

  • Sunday, September 22
  • Sunday, October 13
  • Sunday, October 27
  • Sunday, November 10
  • Sunday, November 24


Young Adults of Saint Saviour Bible Studies
All are welcome to join our Bible studies, which are generally every other Sunday after the 10:30 am service and focus on the readings we heard together. We meet each other after the service during coffee hour and head to a Cathedral chapel, where we sit in a circle and start with prayer. After prayer, we read the readings again, sometimes with other resources offered by our leaders. Everyone is welcome to offer reflections, and then we close with worship and prayer.

Community at the Crossing; Retreat Mornings
Space and Silence, Fellowship and Food

  • 10:00 am-1:00 pm: Retreat morning - Introduction to prayer, space for meditation and silence in and around the Cathedral, concluding with communal prayer (Taizé-inspired worship, or Roman Catholic mass in neighboring parish)

  • 1:00 pm-3:00 pm: Lunch and coffee - A simple lunch is provided, or bring your own lunch

Community at the Crossing; Wednesday Prayer Gathering
An hour of informal worship in the Diocesan House on the Cathedral grounds, informed by the charismatic tradition - open to everybody! Most Wednesdays starting at 7:15. Check the Community at the Crossing webpage to confirm and for more details.

Community at the Crossing; Dialogues on Divinity
Join the community in their theological study from various speakers covering fascinating topics. Check the Community at the Crossing webpage for more details.

Community at the Crossing; Nightwatch
Spend an evening in the world’s largest Gothic cathedral immersed in a faith-based program to deepen your spiritual connection with God. Together with the Community at the Crossing we invite you to go from darkness into the light while participating in a program designed to guide you go deeper within yourself. Join us to experience some of the following: community building, workshops, exploration of the cathedral through interactive activities, candlelight meditation, music, dance, drumming, writing, and labyrinth walk.