Choral Morning Prayer
Monday, November 1, the Feast of All Saints, will begin with a service of Choral Morning Prayer, honoring and giving thanks for medical personnel and others who tended the sick and others who made life possible during the days of lockdown. Images and remembrances of the over 700,000 American victims of COVID will put faces and names to the scale of ongoing trauma the country has suffered since 2020, humanizing and bringing home the immensity of the pandemic.
The Reverend Canon Steven Lee will officiate this service.
This service is part of our three-day series dedicated to the toll of COVID-19, Lamentation, Thanksgiving, and Hope. Together, we will mourn the dead and honor those who have cared for the sick through three days of worship services, art installations, and public events at the Cathedral. For more information and the full lineup of services planned in this series, see here.