Monday 6

Morning Prayer with Community at the Crossing

8am - 8:30am
Led by the Community, based on the Book of Common Prayer with sung and said liturgy. All are welcome! Enter via the side door - come to the Security and Information booth i...

Online Morning Prayer

8:30am - 9am
A quiet spoken service, using the Book of Common Prayer, with brief prayers, a Psalm, and readings of Scripture. Morning prayer is held Mondays - Saturdays at 8:30 am onlin...

Self-Guided Tours

9:30am - 5pm
The Cathedral is open for sightseeing in addition to prayer, meditation, and reflection. As part of our safe reopening, timed tickets are strongly encouraged. Hours: Monday...

NYBC Blood Drive

11:30am - 5:30pm
The Cathedral is proud to partner with the New York Blood Center for a blood drive on Monday, November 6 in Synod Hall. Every year, 12,000 patients are diagnosed with life-...

Daily Eucharist Service

12:15pm - 1pm
Join us every weekday for a Holy Eucharist service in the Chapel of St. Martin. All are welcome!

Highlights Tour

1pm - 2pm
Explore the many highlights of the Cathedral’s history, architecture, and artwork, from the Great Bronze Doors to the seven Chapels of the Tongues. Learn about the da...

Highlights Tour

1pm - 2pm
Explore the many highlights of the Cathedral’s history, architecture, and artwork, from the Great Bronze Doors to the seven Chapels of the Tongues. Learn about the da...

Vertical Tour

2pm - 3pm
On this adventurous tour, climb more than 124 feet through spiral staircases to the top of the world’s largest cathedral. Explore the stories of the stained-glass win...

Book Signing & Meet-and-Greet with Gayle Boss: All Creation Waits

3:30pm - 5pm
Come to the Cathedral and meet best-selling author Gayle Boss. Gayle will be reading and signing copies of the new Children’s Edition of her beloved Advent book All C...

Online Evening Prayer

5:30pm - 6pm
A quiet spoken service, using the Book of Common Prayer, with brief prayers, a Psalm, and readings of Scripture. To use your computer, click this link:
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