The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is the seat of the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New York and hosts several diocesan-wide liturgies, including ordinations of deacons and priests, consecrations of bishops, reaffirmations of clergy vows, confirmations, and other celebrations of the life of our diocese and denomination throughout the year. Some people also choose to mark sacred transitions in their lives through Pastoral Services at the Cathedral.

Daily and Sunday worship, whether held as intimate gatherings, online livestreams, or festal celebrations, are at the heart of life at the Cathedral.

Schedule of Daily Liturgical Services


10:30 am - Holy Eucharist
The Cathedral's Sunday morning worship service is held in-person and streamed live to the Cathedral's website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel.

2 pm - New Community Service
New Community multilingual services are held in the Chapel of St. Martin. Japanese-language services are held on fourth Sundays, and Chinese-language services on flexible dates during the month.

4 pm - Choral Evensong
The Cathedral's afternoon service, sung by the Cathedral Choir, is held in-person in the Crossing.


12:15pm -- Midday Eucharist
Join us in the Chapel of St. Martin every weekday for the Eucharist and Holy Communion.

Morning and Evening Prayer services are offered online via Zoom, Monday through Saturday:
8:30 am - Morning Prayer
5:30 pm - Evening Prayer
Zoom log in information can be found through the calendar page by clicking the date of the service and then the appropriate entry.