Leadership Circles
1873 Visionary Society
2023 was the 150th anniversary of our founding mission. You’re invited to be a part of the next 150 years, and reengage with that mission by making a multi-year pledge that will help reignite our purpose, and secure the Cathedral’s programming.
Join a group of luminary supporters by making a commitment to help secure the Cathedral’s future. Donors will participate in formative discussions with both the Dean and the Bishop about the future of the Cathedral and will receive exclusive invitations to Cathedral events. Your multi-year pledge of $25,000, $50,000, or $100,000 will help us reestablish our community as a center of spiritual light. Please contact Taylor M. Leja to learn more (tleja@stjohndivine.org)
Society of Regents
The Regents are a group of steady and passionate supporters of the Cathedral. With an annual gift of $1,000 or more, Regents provide vital support for programs like Friends of Music, Cathedral Community Cares, and our general operating budget – which keeps our doors open and lights on for all. In gratitude for their giving, Regents receive special communications, and invitations to exclusive Cathedral events.
Consider becoming a Regent by making a Sustaining Gift of $100 or $200 a month!
We hope you’ll consider joining our Regents Circle – please contact Taylor M. Leja with any questions (tleja@stjohndivine.org)
Ralph Adams Cram Society
Planned gifts help sustain the Cathedral through difficult times and ensures that it remains a center for spiritual, emotional, and artistic life for all New Yorkers, regardless of faith and background. You can fulfill your financial goals and help the Cathedral by including a charitable gift in your estate plans and becoming a member of the Ralph Adams Cram Society. Named for the Cathedral’s visionary architect, the Ralph Adams Cram Society is comprised of a special group of supporters who have included the Cathedral in their will or estate plans. Their generosity ensures that the Cathedral will thrive in the future and continue to play a critical role in the fabric of New York and life of the community. Join the Ralph Adams Cram Society today by contacting Priscilla Bayley at (212) 316-7570 or pbayley@stjohndivine.org.
Sustaining Donor Circle
All gifts can be a sustaining gift by scheduling to have them recur by week, or month.
Thanks to the recurring gifts made by our Sustaining Donors, we can maintain a steady and reliable stream of revenue for the Cathedral. Sustaining Donor Gifts ensure consistent, ongoing funding for programs like the Cathedral Community Cares soup kitchen, food pantry and clothing closet and Advancing the Community of Tomorrow’s programs.
- $15 per month offsets school supplies for our pre-school program
- $60 per month provides a hot meal for four people each week through our Community Dining program
- $100 per month allows the Cathedral to livestream a Sunday service to thousands who attend across the world
Contact Dana Settles at dsettles@stjohndivine.org for more information or with questions.