Building upon the model of intentional contemplative communities worldwide and drawing inspiration primarily from the Community of St. Anselm (Lambeth Palace, UK), the Community at the Crossing is a non-profit initiative of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in collaboration with the Chemin Neuf Community (a Roman Catholic community with an ecumenical vocation).
Blog and news posts
Episcopal New Yorker, October 2023
Justin Welby in New York City
'The Church cannot flourish without religious community' - Justin Welby in NYC. Watch the homily from the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby from the commitment service of the first cohort (2023-24) or read it here
A Word of Blessing from His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
“What we would like to see and encourage you to aspire to, dear friends, is for your newly-planted community to become a door for the young men and women that it will shape through this initiative: a door to heaven and a door to the world; a door to the heart and a door to humankind and all creation; a door to the compassionate nature of God and a door to the communal nature of the Church.”
Read by the Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Papazafiropoulos, Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, representing His Eminence Elpidophoros, the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of America
Letter Read at the Cathedral's September 8, 2022 Service
Watch on Instagram
A Greeting from the Holy Father in Rome
“At the Crossing means a place of crossing and meeting between young people of all Christian denominations. My hope is this community will offer an opportunity to revive the desire for unity of Christians and of society in New York and even in the United States. The future of faith in our world passes through Christian Unity. Yes, we do not agree on everything. Yes, we have convictions that sometimes seem incompatible, or are incompatible. But that is precisely why we choose to love each other. Love is stronger than all disagreements and divisions. It brings peace…let us not forget that At the Crossing evokes the Cross of Christ. Jesus Christ is a bond that is stronger and deeper than our cultures, our political options and even than our doctrines. The Lord! Jesus the Lord! Look at Him who gave his life for us!”
September 8, 2022
Watch the whole greeting on YouTube
A Message from Justin Welby, former Archbishop of Canterbury
“In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, at the birth of the Church, the followers of Christ committed themselves to prayer, to the breaking of bread and to the apostles’ teaching. Throughout the centuries groups of men and women have committed themselves to live in religious communities, to pursue these same principles in a huge diversity of ways. The religious life matters profoundly to the Church. It has always been the place where renewal begins - without communities of prayer of one kind or another, one doesn't see renewal. The Community at the Crossing is a sign of God's work of renewal in the world, in your city, in the Church.”
September 8, 2022
Watch the whole greeting on YouTube
Catholic New York, September 21, 2022
Vatican News, September 9, 2022
National Catholic Reporter, September 9, 2022