Ways to Support the Community at the Crossing
Give, pray, host, learn, partner
The Community at the Crossing, a program of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, is funded by solely by donations. It therefore needs the support of philanthropic individuals, foundations, and corporate partners in order to make this vision a reality.
The Community at the Crossing will transform the lives of individuals from all areas of the U.S. and from all walks of life. Participants for the program are selected because of their demonstrated openness to God’s call in their lives and the promise they show to have great impact in their communities. They will help lead our society to unity and peace - wherever they find themselves. To ensure access for all qualified candidates to this groundbreaking program, the tuition fee is “pay what you can.”
Get Involved
Transform a Life, Transform the World
Please help the Cathedral forge the next generation of Christian leaders the world needs. Make your gift of any amount to financial aid here.
Open your home to community
Invite a student to dinner at your parish or home. Be a host family for a student from out of town. Invite the Community at the Crossing to speak to your parish or civic group. There are many ways to get directly involved with the Community at the Crossing! Contact us at communityatthecrossing@stjohndivine.org for options.
The Center of Unified Christian Witness
The Community at the Crossing is part of the Cathedral’s Center for Unified Christian Witness.
To learn more about the center or the Community at the Crossing and how to help, contact Priscilla Bayley pbayley@stjohndivine.org
Our Generous Supporters
The Community at the Crossing is made possible by the generous support of these sponsors:
Susan and Frank Brown
Dean and Monique Dakolias
Michael Huffington